1 |
if live_call() |
2 |
return global.live_result; |
3 |
if (!instance_exists(obj_target_bar_battle)) |
4 |
{ |
5 |
if instance_exists(obj_dialogue_box_battle_transformation_attack) |
6 |
{ |
7 |
with (obj_dialogue_box_battle_transformation_attack) |
8 |
{ |
9 |
max_frames_default = 10 |
10 |
transform_type = "out" |
11 |
} |
12 |
} |
13 |
image_alpha -= 0.2 |
14 |
image_xscale -= 0.1 |
15 |
image_yscale -= 0.1 |
16 |
} |
17 |
if (image_alpha <= 0) |
18 |
instance_destroy() |
19 |
if ((!instance_exists(obj_wild_revolver_circle_pre)) && target_current < target_max && ((multishot_id == noone && (!instance_exists(obj_wild_revolver_circle_multi_pre))) || (multishot_id != noone && instance_exists(multishot_id) && multishot_id.gun_spin)) && no_loop_rotate == false) |
20 |
{ |
21 |
if (continue_shot == false) |
22 |
{ |
23 |
with (obj_target_bar_battle) |
24 |
alarm[0] = 1 |
25 |
} |
26 |
else |
27 |
{ |
28 |
can_rotate = true |
29 |
target_angle_default = target_angle |
30 |
} |
31 |
if (multishot_id != noone) |
32 |
multishot_id.gun_spin = false |
33 |
no_loop_rotate = true |
34 |
} |
35 |
if (can_rotate == true) |
36 |
{ |
37 |
time_elapsed += time_increase |
38 |
game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed / ((tm[(target_current - 1)]) / 2 * (1 / sqrt(max_rise))) - sqrt(max_rise)), 2) |
39 |
animation_disjoint_angle = sign_modifier * (max_rise - round(game_maker_cannot_do_math)) |
40 |
target_angle = target_angle_default + animation_disjoint_angle |
41 |
if (time_elapsed >= ((tm[(target_current - 1)]) / 2)) |
42 |
event_user(0) |
43 |
} |