function cutscene_npc_action_sprite() //gml_Script_cutscene_npc_action_sprite { with (argument[0]) { if (sprite_index != argument[1] || (image_speed == 0 && image_index < (image_number - 1))) { action_sprite = true sprite_index = argument[1] image_speed = argument[2] image_index = 0 if (argument[3] == true) action_sprite_stop = true else action_sprite_stop = false } else { if (image_index >= (image_number - 1)) { if (argument[3] == false) { action_sprite = false image_speed = 0 with (other) cutscene_advance() return true; } else { if (argument_count > 4) image_speed = argument[4] image_index = image_number - 1 with (other) cutscene_advance() return true; } } if (argument_count > 5) { if (argument[6] >= (image_index - image_speed) && argument[6] <= (image_index + image_speed)) { if (!audio_is_playing(argument[5])) audio_play_sound(argument[5], 1, 0) } } } } return false; }