function scr_dialogue_battle_action_selected_action_1_martlet_pacifist() //gml_Script_scr_dialogue_battle_action_selected_action_1_martlet_pacifist { var action_1_selected_count = global.action_1_selected_count if (action_1_selected_count >= 2) { message[0] = "* You tap your foot on the ground.#* Martlet tries talking even# faster." global.last_action_selected = "Action 1 Message 2" global.last_action_selected_2 = "Nothing" global.last_action_selected_3 = "Nothing" } else if (action_1_selected_count >= 1) { message[0] = "* You fake a yawn.#* Martlet starts talking faster# still." global.last_action_selected = "Action 1 Message 1" global.last_action_selected_2 = "Nothing" global.last_action_selected_3 = "Nothing" } else { message[0] = "* You tap your wrist impatiently.#* Martlet looks apologetic and# tries to talk a little faster." global.last_action_selected = "Action 1 Message 0" global.last_action_selected_2 = "Nothing" global.last_action_selected_3 = "Nothing" } }