script_execute(gml_Script_scr_depth, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if (fadeout == true) scr_npc_fade() if (room == rm_darkruins_07 && global.flag[25] == 1) { instance_destroy() return; } if (!instance_exists(obj_pl)) return; if (room == rm_darkruins_07) { if (global.flag[25] == 0) { if (obj_pl.x > 800) { with (obj_radio) audio_sound_gain(bgm, 0, 1000) obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_frozen_state global.cutscene = true obj_pl.image_speed = 0 obj_pl.image_index = 0 if (timer < 130 || (timer >= 132 && timer < 210) || (timer >= 212 && timer < 235) || (timer >= 237 && timer < 350)) timer++ if (timer == 30) { cam = instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) cam.speed = 2 __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1120) direction = 0 } if (timer == 130) { speed = 0 image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Hello..." message[1] = "* I'm happy to finally meet you# face to face." message[2] = "* How long has it been?" message[3] = "* I was wondering if you'd ever# come back..." message[4] = "* ..." message[5] = "* No... too forward." message[6] = "* Who am I kidding? I'll never# be able to meet you in this# state." message[7] = "* I just hope you know... I had# no choice. It must be this way." portrait = false } timer++ } if (timer == 131 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { speed = 0.6 timer++ } if (timer == 210) { image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 speed = 0 if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* ..." message[1] = "* Huh?" portrait = false } timer++ } } if (timer == 211 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 270 timer++ } if (timer == 221 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) direction = 180 if (timer == 235 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { portrait = false sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Who...?" message[1] = "* I-I must be seeing things..." } timer++ } if (timer == 236 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 180 image_speed = 0.1 speed = -0.25 timer++ } if (timer == 270 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 direction = 180 speed = 0 } if (timer == 310 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 0 speed = 2 } if (timer == 350) { if (!instance_exists(obj_camera)) cam2 = instance_create(1000, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) __view_set((9 << 0), 0, cam2) with (cam2) { direction = 180 speed = 3 } if (obj_camera.x <= obj_pl.x) { timer++ __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1031) global.cutscene = false obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_normal_state global.flag[25] = 1 with (obj_radio) audio_sound_gain(bgm, 1, 2000) with (cam2) instance_destroy() } } } } if (room == rm_darkruins_10 && global.flag[3] == true) { instance_destroy() return; } if (room == rm_darkruins_10 && global.flag[3] == false) { obj_rndenc.disabled = true if (obj_pl.x > 420 && obj_pl.y < 240) { scr_cutscene_start() obj_pl.image_speed = 0 obj_pl.image_index = 0 if (timer < 30 || (timer >= 32 && timer < 110) || (timer >= 112 && timer < 250) || (timer >= 252 && timer < 310)) timer++ if (timer == 30) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Is it wrong to hold doubt in# my actions?" portrait = false } timer++ } if (timer == 31 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { cam = instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) if (cam.x < 600) cam.speed = 3 else cam.speed = 0 __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1120) timer++ } if (timer == 110) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 position = 1 message[0] = "* I enjoyed life before... I# did... But I can't go back." message[1] = "* What happened that day would# only repeat." message[2] = "* ..." portrait = false } timer++ } if (timer == 111 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) timer++ if (timer == 151 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 270 timer++ } if (timer == 190 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) direction = 180 if (timer == 250 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 position = 1 message[0] = "* !" message[1] = "* What is this?" message[2] = "* Why do they appear every time# I start monologuing? " message[3] = "* I need more rest." portrait = false } timer++ } if (timer == 251 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 0 speed = 3 image_speed = 0.2 timer++ } if (timer == 310) { if (!instance_exists(obj_camera)) cam2 = instance_create(600, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) if (cam2.x >= obj_pl.x) cam2.speed = -2 else { with (cam2) instance_destroy() __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1031) scr_cutscene_end() global.flag[3] = true obj_rndenc.disabled = false instance_destroy() } } } } if (room == rm_darkruins_16 && global.flag[26] == 1) { if (global.flag[17] != 0 && global.dalv_house_enter_count == 0) global.dalv_house_enter_count = 1 instance_destroy() return; } if (room == rm_darkruins_16 && global.flag[26] == 0) { if (obj_pl.x < 520 && timer == 0) { with (obj_radio) audio_sound_gain(bgm, 0, 1000) global.cutscene = true obj_pl.image_speed = 0 obj_pl.image_index = 0 timer++ } if ((timer > 3 && timer < 60) || (timer > 61 && timer < 70) || (timer > 71 && timer < 80) || (timer > 81 && timer < 110) || (timer > 111 && timer < 140)) timer++ if (timer == 1) { direction = 90 with (obj_pl) { direction = 180 speed = 2 image_speed = 0.2 } timer++ } if (obj_pl.x <= 380 && timer == 2) { with (obj_pl) { direction = 90 speed = 2 } speed = 0.5 timer++ } if (obj_pl.y < 260 && timer == 3) { with (obj_pl) { direction = 90 speed = 0 image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 30) speed = 1 if (timer == 60) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Ah!" portrait = false } speed = 0 image_index = 0 image_speed = 0 timer++ } if (timer == 61 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { direction = 270 timer++ } if (timer == 70) { if (!instance_exists(obj_camera)) cam = instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) cam.direction = 90 cam.speed = 4 __view_set((9 << 0), 0, cam) timer++ } if (timer == 71 && obj_camera.y < y) { timer = 72 obj_camera.speed = 0 } if (timer == 80) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Umm..." portrait = false } timer++ } if (timer == 81 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { speed = -0.3 image_speed = 0.2 timer++ } if (timer == 110) { speed = 0 image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 portrait = false message[0] = "* I don't know who you are but I# ask you..." message[1] = "* Please leave!" } timer++ } if (timer == 111 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { image_speed = 0.2 path_start(pt_dalv, 3, path_action_stop, 0) timer++ } if (timer == 140) { cam.direction = 270 cam.speed = 3 if (cam.y > obj_pl.y) { with (cam) instance_destroy() __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1031) global.cutscene = false obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_normal_state global.flag[26] = 1 with (obj_radio) audio_sound_gain(bgm, 1, 2000) instance_destroy() } } } if (room == rm_darkruins_18 && global.flag[27] == 1) { instance_destroy() return; } if (room == rm_darkruins_18 && global.flag[27] == 0) { if (global.flag[17] == 0) { if (obj_pl.y < 370 && timer == 0) { global.cutscene = true with (obj_radio) audio_sound_gain(bgm, 0, 4000) obj_pl.image_speed = 0 obj_pl.image_index = 0 obj_pl.direction = 90 cam = instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_camera) __view_set((9 << 0), 0, 1120) cam.vspeed = -1 timer++ } if (timer == 1 && cam.y < 320) { timer++ cam.vspeed = 0 } if ((timer > 1 && timer < 60) || (timer > 61 && timer < 90) || (timer > 91 && timer < 140) || (timer > 141 && timer < 230) || (timer > 231 && timer < 400)) timer++ if (timer == 60) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* You're... still following me?" message[1] = "* I thought I made it clear that# I want to be left alone." portrait = false position = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 61 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) timer++ if (timer == 90) { direction = 270 scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* I don't understand... You...# you look just like them." message[1] = "* Is this some sort of haunting?# Or have you come to finish the# job?" message[2] = "* Retreating here wasn't enough# so you hunted me down..." message[3] = "* Right?" ch_msg = 3 ch[1] = "What?" ch[2] = "..." portrait = false position = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 91 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) timer++ if (timer == 100) direction = 90 if (timer == 140) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* And I was just starting to# accept my reality.# The cruelty..." message[1] = "* ..." message[2] = "* Whatever I did to you that day# was not my intention, I was# only..." message[3] = "* Nevermind. Words aren't# enough." portrait = false position = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 141 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) timer++ if (timer == 160) direction = 0 if (timer == 190) direction = 270 if (timer == 220) direction = 90 if (timer == 230) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* I... I don't want to fight# anybody, but you've invaded# my home." message[1] = "* The exit is blocked and you# can't stay here. I will not# allow it." portrait = false position = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 231 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { spritelock = false direction = 45 sprite_index = spr_hoodoff image_speed = 0.2 hood = false timer++ } if (timer == 370) { spritelock = true direction = 0 } if (timer == 390) { spritelock = true direction = 270 } if (timer == 400) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Only one thing to# do..." prt[0] = 1759 portrait = true position = 0 } timer++ } if (timer == 401 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { image_speed = 0 instance_create(x, y, obj_flash) timer++ } } else if (global.flag[17] == 1 || global.flag[17] == 4) { scr_cutscene_start() if (global.geno_complete[1] == false) { if (timer == 0) { direction = 270 hood = false global.cutscene = true scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* ..." message[1] = "* ..." message[2] = "* ..." message[3] = "* What do friends do# actually?" message[4] = "* Do you want to, um,# see my house?# Or something?" message[5] = "* I have to go there# anyway so I guess stop# by if you have time. " prt[0] = 1755 prt[1] = 1780 prt[2] = 1763 prt[3] = 1755 prt[4] = 1776 prt[5] = 1769 position = 0 } timer = 1 } if ((!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) && timer == 1) vspeed = -2 if (y < 160 && timer == 1) { global.flag[27] = 1 global.cutscene = false obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_normal_state timer = 2 } } else { scr_cutscene_start() if (timer == 0) { direction = 270 hood = false global.cutscene = true scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "You're... sparing me?" message[1] = "But... what about them?" message[2] = "Why only me?" message[3] = "What makes me so#special!" message[4] = "Or is this how you#plan to hurt me?" message[5] = "By taking them all#away..." message[6] = "..." message[7] = "...I don't need them.#I'll be fine on my own." message[8] = "I've been doing it#long enough..." message[9] = "..." message[10] = "I think you should leave." message[11] = "You've already done#enough damage here." prt[0] = 1763 prt[1] = 1764 prt[2] = 1763 prt[3] = 1763 prt[4] = 1762 prt[5] = 1762 prt[6] = 1786 prt[7] = 1781 prt[8] = 1780 prt[9] = 1763 prt[10] = 1763 prt[11] = 1781 position = 0 } timer = 1 } if ((!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) && timer == 1) vspeed = -0.5 if (y < 220 && timer == 1) { timer = 2 image_speed = 0 vspeed = 0 direction = 90 } if (timer > 1 && timer < 75) timer++ if (timer == 75) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* ..." message[1] = "* I guess... I truly am# alone now..." portrait = false position = 0 } timer = 76 } if ((!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) && timer == 76) { vspeed = -1 alarm[1] = 45 timer = 77 } } } else if (global.flag[17] == 3) { scr_cutscene_start() if (timer == 0) { global.route = 1 direction = 270 sprite_index = spr_hoodoff hood = false global.cutscene = true scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* This was all a# misunderstanding, right?" message[1] = "* ..." message[2] = "* I'll be waiting in my# house." message[3] = "* Come whenever you feel# like it." prt[0] = 1755 prt[1] = 1780 prt[2] = 1755 prt[3] = 1755 position = 0 } timer = 1 } if ((!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) && timer == 1) vspeed = -2 if (y < 160 && timer == 1) { global.flag[27] = 1 global.cutscene = false obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_normal_state timer = 2 } } else if (global.flag[17] == 2) { instance_destroy() scr_cutscene_end() global.flag[27] = 1 } } if (room == rm_dalvshouse && global.flag[28] == 0) { if (timer == 0) { global.cutscene = true obj_pl.direction = 90 obj_pl.image_speed = 0 obj_pl.image_index = 0 timer = 4 } if (timer > 3 && timer < 30) timer++ if (timer == 30) { scr_text() with (msg) { if (global.flag[17] == 3) { global.route = 1 genoCount = 0 sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Welcome..." message[1] = "* Make yourself at home." message[2] = "* I'm going to my room to# rest." message[3] = "* I feel a bit ill." message[4] = "* We're... friends now# so..." message[5] = "* Look at whatever you# like." message[6] = "* See you... later." prt[0] = 1780 prt[1] = 1755 prt[2] = 1780 prt[3] = 1781 prt[4] = 1755 prt[5] = 1755 prt[6] = 1780 } else if (global.dalv_house_enter_count == 0) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* I have to um...# fix something in the# other room." message[1] = "* Sit down,# get comfortable,# take your shoes off." message[2] = "* ..." message[3] = "* Actually please leave# them on, the floors are# a bit dirty." message[4] = "* I haven't swept since # this morning." prt[0] = 1780 prt[1] = 1776 prt[2] = 1755 prt[3] = 1763 prt[4] = 1763 } else if (global.dalv_house_enter_count == 1) { sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* It seems like you# took your time." message[1] = "* Oh, but don't worry, I'm# used to standing around# by my lonesome." message[2] = "* I keep myself occupied# by cleaning around# the house." message[3] = "* It's my hourly routine!" message[4] = "* ..." message[5] = "* I have to um...# fix something..." prt[0] = 1755 prt[1] = 1780 prt[2] = 1776 prt[3] = 1776 prt[4] = 1755 prt[5] = 1780 } } timer++ } if (timer == 31 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { timer++ hood = false image_speed = 0.2 path_start(pt_dalvhouse, 3, path_action_stop, false) if (global.flag[17] != 3) obj_dalv2.alarm[0] = 150 alarm[0] = 75 } }