script_execute(gml_Script_scr_depth, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if (global.flag[16] == 1) { instance_destroy() return; } if (animate == true) { if (y <= y1) vspeed = 0.2 if (y >= y2) vspeed = -0.2 } if (global.flag[15] == 1 && waiter == 0) { image_alpha = 1 global.cutscene = true waiter++ } if ((waiter > 0 && waiter < 30) || (waiter >= 32 && waiter < 90)) waiter++ if (waiter == 30) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue)) msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue) with (msg) { sndfnt = 99 portrait = false message[0] = "* I declare you an honorary# sentinel of silence." message[1] = "* I trust you to keep peace# and order hhear." message[2] = "* I shall go conquer new lands# in the name of quiet." message[3] = "* This is a very hhigh# honor so keep it# hhush hhush." } waiter = 31 } if (waiter == 31 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { vspeed = -3 hspeed = -3 animate = false audio_play_sound(snd_flapaway, 1, 0) waiter++ } if (waiter == 80) { global.cutscene = false obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_normal_state global.flag[16] = 1 instance_destroy() }