if live_call() return global.live_result; if (waiter == 0) waiter++ if (waiter == 1) { global.cutscene = true obj_pl.direction = 180 waiter++ } if (waiter == 2) { scr_text() with (msg) { if (!instance_exists(obj_dialoguebox_dummy)) instance_create(0, 0, obj_dialoguebox_dummy) portrait = true sndfnt = 99 sndfnt_array[0] = 100 sndfnt_array[1] = 99 sndfnt_array[2] = 100 message[0] = "* Are you ready to leave?" message[1] = "* Leave Dalv's house?" prt[0] = 1755 if (outcome == 1 && message_current == 1) { obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.response = "yes" obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.waiter = 7 message[2] = "* If that's what you want,# I'll lead the way." prt[2] = 1776 sndfnt = 100 } else if (outcome == 2 && message_current == 1) { obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.response = "no" obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.waiter = 7 message[2] = "* Alright, take as long as# you like." prt[2] = 1776 sndfnt = 100 } if (message_current == 0 || message_current == 2) sndfnt = 100 else { obj_dalv2.image_index = 0 obj_dalv2.image_speed = 0 sndfnt = 99 } ch_msg = 1 ch[1] = "Yes" ch[2] = "No" } } if (waiter == 5 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) waiter++ if (waiter == 6) { scr_text() with (msg) { if (obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.response == "yes") { portrait = true sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* If that's what you want,# I'll lead the way." prt[0] = 1776 } else if (obj_doorway_blocker_dalvshouse.response == "no") { portrait = true sndfnt = 100 message[0] = "* Alright, take as long as# you like." prt[0] = 1776 } } waiter++ } if (waiter >= 7 && waiter <= 8 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) { with (obj_dialoguebox_dummy) instance_destroy() if (response == "yes") { instance_create_depth(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_pl.depth, obj_player_npc) obj_pl.image_alpha = 0 waiter = 10 } if (response == "no") { obj_dalv2.direction = 270 if (obj_dalv2.x == obj_dalv2.default_x_dalvshouse && obj_dalv2.y == obj_dalv2.default_y_dalvshouse) { if (!instance_exists(obj_player_npc)) instance_create_depth(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_pl.depth, obj_player_npc) obj_pl.image_alpha = 0 waiter = 9 } } } if (waiter == 9) { if cutscene_npc_walk(1168, obj_pl.x, 115, 3, "y", "up") { user_event_0_activated = false global.cutscene = false waiter = 0 obj_pl.alarm[0] = 1 instance_destroy(obj_player_npc) } } if (waiter == 10) { if cutscene_npc_walk(1168, obj_pl.x, 115, 3, "y", "up") { obj_dalv2.destination_x_dalv = 219 obj_dalv2.destination_y_dalv = 90 no_loop_autowalk = false waiter = 11 instance_destroy(obj_player_npc) } } if (waiter == 11) { if (obj_dalv2.x == obj_dalv2.destination_x_dalv && obj_dalv2.y == obj_dalv2.destination_y_dalv) waiter++ } if (waiter == 12) { obj_dalv2.destination_x_dalv = 220 obj_dalv2.destination_y_dalv = -40 if (obj_dalv2.x == 220 && obj_dalv2.y <= 20) { with (obj_pl) { if (!instance_exists(obj_transition)) { obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_frozen_state alarm[0] = 8 trn = instance_create(x, y, obj_transition) trn.newRoom = 36 trn.xx = 156 trn.yy = 530 } } } if (abs(obj_pl.y - obj_dalv2.y) > 40) { with (obj_pl) { if (state != gml_Script_scr_autowalk_state) { autowalk_direction = "up" state = gml_Script_scr_autowalk_state } player_mode = "DalvExit" } } } if (waiter >= 1 && waiter < 11) obj_dalv2.direction = 0