if live_call() return global.live_result; if (destroy_self > 0) { if (stage == 3) { obj_ceroba_npc.npc_direction = "right" obj_ceroba_npc.action_sprite = false } if (destroy_self == 1) { vspeed = -3 gravity = 0.25 destroy_self = 2 } else { if (image_alpha <= 0) instance_destroy() image_angle += 10 image_alpha -= 0.1 } return; } switch stage { case 0: if (x <= 395) { gravity = 0.2 if (vspeed > vspeed_max) vspeed = vspeed_max if (y >= 610) { vspeed_old = 0 vspeed = 0 gravity = 0 y = 610 audio_play_sound(choose(423, 424, 425), 1, 0) stage++ } } break case 1: if ((item_type == "trash" && item_wrap == false) || item_wrap == false) { if (x <= 235) { depth = -1000 gravity = 0.2 if (vspeed > vspeed_max) vspeed = vspeed_max if (y >= 620) { audio_play_sound(choose(423, 424, 425), 1, 0) hspeed = 0 vspeed = -3 if (item_type != "trash") { obj_factory_02_conveyor_puzzle.conveyor_item_number_wrong -= 1 audio_play_sound(snd_fail, 1, 0) } y = 620 stage++ } } } else if (x <= 240) { if instance_exists(obj_ceroba_npc) { if (obj_ceroba_npc.action_sprite == true) { with (obj_factory_02_conveyor_item) hspeed = 0 obj_conveyor_belt.image_speed = 0 return; } with (obj_factory_02_conveyor_item) hspeed = (-hsp_base) obj_conveyor_belt.image_speed = 1 hspeed = 0 image_alpha = 0 obj_ceroba_npc.action_sprite = true obj_ceroba_npc.image_speed = 1 if (sprite_index == spr_conveyor_items_red_wrapped) obj_ceroba_npc.sprite_index = spr_conveyor_ceroba_throw_red else obj_ceroba_npc.sprite_index = spr_conveyor_ceroba_throw_blue obj_ceroba_npc.image_index = 0 stage = 3 } } break case 2: if (image_alpha <= 0) instance_destroy() image_angle += 10 image_alpha -= 0.1 break case 3: if (obj_ceroba_npc.image_index >= 9 && item_throw_noloop == false) { x = obj_ceroba_npc.x - 10 y = obj_ceroba_npc.y image_alpha = 1 path_start(pt_steamworks_factory_02_throw, 5, path_action_stop, false) path_change_point(pt_steamworks_factory_02_throw, 0, obj_ceroba_npc.x, obj_ceroba_npc.y, 100) item_throw_noloop = true } if (obj_ceroba_npc.image_index >= (obj_ceroba_npc.image_number - 1)) { obj_ceroba_npc.npc_direction = "right" obj_ceroba_npc.action_sprite = false stage++ } break case 4: if (path_position >= 1) { if (item_wrap_correct == true) { obj_factory_02_conveyor_puzzle.conveyor_item_number -= 1 audio_play_sound(snd_factory_puzzle_correct, 1, 0) } else { obj_factory_02_conveyor_puzzle.conveyor_item_number_wrong -= 1 audio_play_sound(snd_fail, 1, 0) } instance_destroy() } break } vspeed += gravity x += hspeed y += vspeed