var enemy_dead = global.enemy_dead var enemy_spared = global.enemy_spared if (enemy_dead == false && enemy_spared == false) image_alpha = global.image_alpha_enemy_attacking if (enemy_dead == true) { x = starting_point_x y = starting_point_y instance_create(starting_point_x, starting_point_y, obj_dalv_dead) instance_destroy() return; } else if (enemy_spared == true) { sprite_index = spr_dalv_spared x = starting_point_x y = starting_point_y image_xscale = starting_point_xscale image_yscale = starting_point_yscale image_alpha = 0.5 if (no_loop_create_clouds == false) { for (i = 0; i <= 11; i += 1) instance_create(x, (y - 100), obj_spare_cloud) } no_loop_create_clouds = true } obj_feisty_four_ace_head.image_alpha = image_alpha obj_feisty_four_ace_arm.image_alpha = image_alpha if (damage_disjoint_count > 0) damage_disjoint_count -= 1 else if (enemy_dead == false && enemy_spared == false) { if (global.current_hp_enemy <= 0) sprite_index = spr_feisty_four_ace_body_legs else sprite_index = spr_feisty_four_ace_body_legs } if (instance_exists(obj_text_damage_count) && global.fight_number == 1 && no_loop_damage_disjoint_count == false) { time_elapsed = 0 sign_modifier = 1 damage_disjoint_count = 12 no_loop_damage_disjoint_count = true } else if (!instance_exists(obj_text_damage_count)) no_loop_damage_disjoint_count = false if (damage_disjoint_count == 12) damage_disjoint_x = -50 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 10) damage_disjoint_x = 50 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 8) damage_disjoint_x = -20 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 6) damage_disjoint_x = 20 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 4) damage_disjoint_x = -10 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 2) damage_disjoint_x = 10 else if (damage_disjoint_count == 0) damage_disjoint_x = 0 if (damage_disjoint_count > 0) { if (global.current_hp_enemy <= 0) sprite_index = spr_feisty_four_ace_body_legs else sprite_index = hurt_sprite image_xscale = starting_point_xscale image_yscale = starting_point_yscale } else if (sprite_index == hurt_sprite) sprite_index = spr_feisty_four_ace_body_legs if (global.current_hp_enemy <= 0) { time_elapsed = 0 sign_modifier = 1 } x = draw_position_x + damage_disjoint_x y = draw_position_y + damage_disjoint_y if ((!((instance_exists(obj_text_damage_count) && global.fight_number == 1))) && enemy_dead == false && enemy_spared == false) { game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed / (time_max / 2 * (1 / sqrt(max_rise))) - sqrt(max_rise)), 2) animation_disjoint_yscale = sign_modifier * (max_rise - game_maker_cannot_do_math) image_yscale = draw_position_yscale + animation_disjoint_yscale image_xscale = draw_position_xscale - animation_disjoint_yscale * (max_rise_ext / max_rise) var image_yscale_store = image_yscale var time_elapsed_head = time_elapsed - time_elapsed_decrease_head if (time_elapsed_head < 0) { time_elapsed_head += time_max sign_modifier_head = (-sign_modifier) } else sign_modifier_head = sign_modifier game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed_head / (time_max / 2 * (1 / sqrt(max_rise))) - sqrt(max_rise)), 2) animation_disjoint_yscale = sign_modifier_head * (max_rise - game_maker_cannot_do_math) image_yscale = draw_position_yscale + animation_disjoint_yscale head_displacement_y = bbox_top + sprite_height * head_displacement_y_multiplier image_yscale = image_yscale_store var time_elapsed_hand = time_elapsed - time_elapsed_decrease_hand if (time_elapsed_hand < 0) { time_elapsed_hand += time_max sign_modifier_hand = (-sign_modifier) } else sign_modifier_hand = sign_modifier game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed_hand / (time_max / 2 * (1 / sqrt(max_rise))) - sqrt(max_rise)), 2) animation_disjoint_yscale = sign_modifier_hand * (max_rise - game_maker_cannot_do_math) image_yscale = draw_position_yscale + animation_disjoint_yscale hand_displacement_y = bbox_top + sprite_height * hand_displacement_y_multiplier image_yscale = image_yscale_store time_elapsed += time_increase if (time_elapsed >= time_max) { time_elapsed = 0 sign_modifier = (-sign_modifier) } animating = true } else animating = false if (vanish == true) { if (vanish_state == 1) { game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed_move / (time_max_move * 0.5 / 2 * (1 / (sqrt(max_rise_move * 0.15)))) - (sqrt(max_rise_move * 0.15))), 2) animation_disjoint_x_move = (-sign_modifier_move) * (max_rise_move * 0.15 - game_maker_cannot_do_math) x = draw_position_x + animation_disjoint_x_move time_elapsed_move += time_increase_move if (time_elapsed_move > (time_max_move * 0.5 / 2)) { time_elapsed_move = 0 vanish_state = 2 } } if (vanish_state == 2) { game_maker_cannot_do_math = power((time_elapsed_move / (time_max_move / 2 * (1 / sqrt(max_rise_move))) - sqrt(max_rise_move)), 2) animation_disjoint_x_move = sign_modifier_move * (max_rise_move - game_maker_cannot_do_math) x = draw_position_x + animation_disjoint_x_move time_elapsed_move += time_increase_move if (time_elapsed_move > (time_max_move / 2)) instance_destroy() } } if instance_exists(obj_feisty_four_ace_head) { with (obj_feisty_four_ace_head) event_user(0) } if instance_exists(obj_feisty_four_ace_arm) { with (obj_feisty_four_ace_arm) event_user(0) }