if live_call() return global.live_result; if (keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0) && scr_interact() && scene == 0) { if (global.party_member != -4) { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 108 message[0] = "* Watch it, Clover!" message[1] = "* We don't want to alert# any outsiders." message[2] = "* Especially workers# under Asgore like the# UGPS." message[3] = "* Your mail will have to# wait." prt[0] = 377 prt[1] = 370 prt[2] = 377 prt[3] = 370 } } else if (room == rm_steamworks_24 && global.route == 2 && global.sworks_flag[14] == 1 && global.sworks_flag[15] == 0) { obj_pl.direction = 0 scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 108 message[0] = "* Watch it, Clover!" message[1] = "* We don't want to alert any# outsiders." message[2] = "* Especially workers under# Asgore like the UGPS." message[3] = "* Your mail will have to wait." } } else { scr_cutscene_start() audio_play_sound(bell_sound, 1, 0) scene++ } } if (is_active == false) { if (distance_to_object(obj_pl) < 40) { is_active = true image_index = 0 image_speed = 1 } else if (image_index <= 0.5) { image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 } } else if (is_active == true) { if (distance_to_object(obj_pl) > 50) { is_active = false image_index = 7 image_speed = -1 } else if (image_index >= (image_number - 1)) { image_speed = 0 image_index = image_number - 1 } } switch scene { case 1: if global.geno_complete[2] { scr_text() with (msg) message[0] = "* But nobody came." if (!global.dialogue_open) { scene = 0 scr_cutscene_end() } return; } var x_distance = 64 instance_create((obj_pl.x + x_distance), (camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0]) - 40), obj_mail_whale) scene = 0 break }