image_speed = 0.2 if (fade_out == true) { can_walk = false image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 if (image_alpha > 0) image_alpha -= 0.1 else instance_destroy() return; } event_inherited() if (scr_interact() && keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)) { switch obj_pl.direction { case 0: npc_direction = "left" break case 90: npc_direction = "down" break case 180: npc_direction = "right" break case 270: npc_direction = "up" break } interact = true can_walk = false waiter = 1 } if (waiter == 1) { image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 scr_text() if (global.dunes_flag[12] == 1) { with (msg) { if (global.route != 3) { message[0] = "* Watch it!" message[1] = "* I have places to be!" message[2] = "* Got a call about a job in# Snowdin." message[3] = "* I was supposed to be there# yesterday, but the walk is# really far." message[4] = "* Wasn't feeling up to it." message[5] = "* Oh well. On I go!" } else { message[0] = "* Watch i- " message[1] = "* Um..." message[2] = "* Sorry, didn't mean to block# the path." message[3] = "* You... take care, I guess." message[4] = "* (Yeesh...)" } } } else { with (msg) { if (global.route != 3) message[0] = "* Can't talk right now." else message[0] = "* I uh... gotta go." } } if (!global.dialogue_open) { waiter = 0 if (global.dunes_flag[12] == 1) global.dunes_flag[12] = 2 } return; } if (npc_arrived == 1) fade_out = true if place_meeting((x - 20), y, obj_pl) { image_speed = 0 image_index = 0 can_walk = false } else if (!global.dialogue_open) can_walk = true while place_meeting(x, y, obj_pl) obj_pl.y -= 1 if (x < ((__view_get((0 << 0), 0)) + (__view_get((2 << 0), 0))) && global.dunes_flag[12] == 0) global.dunes_flag[12] = 1