depth = -999 interact = 0 if (keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0) && scr_interact() == true) interact = 1 if (instance_exists(obj_dialogue) && is_talking == true) { if (obj_dialogue.cutoff == string_length(obj_dialogue.message[obj_dialogue.message_current])) { if (sprite_index != spr_npc_searby) { image_index = 0 sprite_index = spr_npc_searby } } else if (sprite_index != spr_npc_searby_talk) { image_index = 0 sprite_index = spr_npc_searby_talk } } else is_talking = false if (ds_map_find_value(global.npc_map, npc_id) != npc_flag) ds_map_replace(global.npc_map, npc_id, npc_flag) if interact { scr_text() is_talking = 1 switch npc_flag { case 0: with (msg) { message[0] = "* What an introduction, right?" message[1] = "* Hope ya didn't have any stage# fright!" message[2] = "* Stages can be scary! All...# wooden, occasionally making# faces at you..." } npc_flag = 1 break case 1: with (msg) { message[0] = "* I'm from out of town like# yourself." message[1] = "* Got some folks I'm close to# back west." message[2] = "* I really gotta get 'em over# here soon! They'd love the# atmosphere!" } npc_flag = 2 break case 2: with (msg) message[0] = "* Good luck out there, human!" break } }