if (image_alpha < 1) image_alpha += 0.1 if (keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0) && scr_interact() == true && waiter == 0 && (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))) waiter = 1 if (waiter > 0) { scr_text() with (msg) { portrait = false sndfnt = 99 message[0] = "* (Take the acid?)" if (outcome == 1) { if scr_item("H. Acid") { other.waiter = 0 message[1] = "* (Obtained ACID!)" global.sworks_flag[25] = 3 instance_create(0, 0, obj_chem_05_cutscene_b) instance_destroy(other) } else { message[1] = "* (Not enough space.)" other.waiter = 0 } } if (outcome == 2) { message[1] = "* It doesn't seem appetizing." other.waiter = 0 } ch_msg = 0 ch[1] = "Yes" ch[2] = "No" } }