if (global.dunes_flag[2] == 0) { if (obj_sandstorm_controller.storm_active == true) { sprite_index = spr_storm_fan image_speed = 0.6 } else if (sprite_index == spr_storm_fan) { sprite_index = spr_storm_fan_stop image_index = 0 image_speed = 0.4 } } else if (sprite_index == spr_storm_fan) { sprite_index = spr_storm_fan_stop image_index = 0 image_speed = 0.4 } if (sprite_index == spr_storm_fan_stop) { if on_animation_end() image_speed = 0 } if (scr_interact() && keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)) waiter = 1 if (waiter == 1) { if (instance_exists(obj_sandstorm_controller) && obj_sandstorm_controller.storm_active && obj_pl.x < x) { waiter = 0 return; } scr_text() if (global.dunes_flag[2] == 0) { with (msg) { message[0] = "* (Turn it off?)" ch_msg = 0 ch[1] = "Yes" ch[2] = "No" if (outcome == 1) { global.dialogue_open = false global.dunes_flag[2] = 1 instance_destroy(obj_sandstorm_controller) if audio_is_playing(snd_sandstorm) audio_stop_sound(snd_sandstorm) obj_storm_fan_lever.image_speed = 1 other.waiter = 0 } if (outcome == 2) { global.dialogue_open = false other.waiter = 0 } } } else if (global.dunes_flag[2] >= 1) { if (obj_pl.y > (bbox_bottom - 10)) { with (msg) { message[0] = "* Built to order by Hotland# Mechanics." message[1] = "* Super Seal of Hotland Quality:" message[2] = "* (The seal is drawn in permanent# marker.)" } } else { with (msg) message[0] = "* (It's probably better to# leave it turned off.)" } waiter = 0 } }