switch scene { case 0: with (obj_pl) { if place_meeting(x, y, obj_event_collider) { scr_cutscene_start() instance_destroy(obj_event_collider) other.scene++ other.timer = 15 } } break case 1: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 message[0] = "* Huh? Hang on, I think# someone's coming this# way." prt[0] = 333 talker[0] = 1170 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 2: player_npc = instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_player_npc) with (player_npc) { x_dest[0] = 720 y_dest[0] = y can_walk = true end_direction = "up" actor_speed = 3 } if (global.party_member != -4) { martlet = instance_create(obj_martlet_follower.x, obj_martlet_follower.y, obj_martlet_npc) obj_martlet_follower.image_alpha = 0 with (martlet) { can_walk = true x_dest[0] = 750 y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y end_direction = "up" actor_speed = 3 } } scene++ break case 3: if (player_npc.npc_arrived == true && martlet.npc_arrived == true) scene++ break case 4: if scr_timer() { moray = obj_moray_npc starlo = obj_starlo_npc mooch = obj_mooch_npc ed = obj_ed_npc ace = obj_ace_npc with (obj_actor_npc_base) { end_direction = "down" axis_override = "y" actor_speed = 2 } moray.x = obj_pl.x moray.can_walk = true moray.x_dest[0] = moray.x moray.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 60 moray.actor_speed = 1 timer = 15 scene++ } break case 5: if moray.npc_arrived { if (!scr_timer()) return; moray.npc_arrived = false with (moray) path_start(pt_small_jump, 4, path_action_stop, false) audio_play_sound(snd_playerjump, 1, 0) timer = 15 scene++ } break case 6: if (!scr_timer()) return; moray.npc_direction = "up" scr_text() msg.talker[0] = moray msg.message[0] = "* Guys! Looky here!" msg.message[1] = "* Someone new has stumbled# into our humble town." msg.prt[0] = 445 msg.prt[1] = 445 if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 7: moray.npc_direction = "down" ace.x_dest[0] = ace.x ace.y_dest[0] = moray.y ace.can_walk = true if ace.npc_arrived scene++ break case 8: scr_text() msg.sndfnt = 106 msg.talker[0] = ace msg.message[0] = "* This better not be# another joke..." msg.prt[0] = 439 if (!global.dialogue_open) { ace.x_dest[0] = starlo.x + 80 ace.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 35 ace.axis_override = "x" ace.can_walk = true scene++ } break case 9: ed.x_dest[0] = ed.x ed.y_dest[0] = moray.y ed.can_walk = true if ed.npc_arrived scene++ break case 10: scr_text() msg.sndfnt = 104 msg.talker[0] = ed msg.message[0] = "* For once, don't look# like it is." msg.prt[0] = 451 if (!global.dialogue_open) { ed.x_dest[0] = starlo.x - 75 ed.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 35 ed.axis_override = "x" ed.can_walk = true scene++ } break case 11: mooch.x_dest[0] = starlo.x + 40 mooch.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 48 mooch.can_walk = true if mooch.npc_arrived scene++ break case 12: scr_text() msg.sndfnt = 105 msg.talker[0] = mooch msg.message[0] = "* Hiya, strangers!" msg.prt[0] = 462 if (!global.dialogue_open) { mooch.npc_arrived = false scene++ } break case 13: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Oh, hello!" message[1] = "* We're just passing# through." message[2] = "* We mean no harm, I# promise." prt[0] = 318 prt[1] = 323 prt[2] = 323 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 14: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 104 talker[0] = other.ed message[0] = "* That's what the last# guy said." message[1] = "* Let's just say he's one# with the wind now..." prt[0] = 454 prt[1] = 451 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 15: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* O-oh my gosh... You..." prt[0] = 330 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 16: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 104 talker[0] = other.ed message[0] = "* BWAHAHA!" message[1] = "* I'm just kiddin' around." message[2] = "* You were shakin' in# your boots for a second!" prt[0] = 452 prt[1] = 452 prt[2] = 452 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 17: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Heheh... heh... you sure# got me!" prt[0] = 323 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 18: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 109 talker[0] = other.moray color = true col_modif[0] = make_color_rgb(255, 70, 160) message[0] = "* That wasn't very funny,# Edward." message_col[0][0] = " # Edward " message[1] = "* I can assure you we are# a delight to be around." message[2] = "* Nothing you can't# handle I'm sure." prt[0] = 446 prt[1] = 449 prt[2] = 445 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 19: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* I..." prt[0] = 322 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 20: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = make_color_rgb(52, 170, 85) sndfnt = 106 talker[0] = other.ace message[0] = "* Ugh..." message[1] = "* Why do you two insist# on scaring away every# monster you meet?" message[2] = "* At least Mooch never# oversteps her bounds." message_col[2][0] = " Mooch " prt[0] = 435 prt[1] = 435 prt[2] = 434 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 21: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 105 talker[0] = other.mooch message[0] = "* Never!" prt[0] = 458 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 22: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Um, well, it was a# pleasure to meet you# four but..." message[1] = "* We'll be going# now- " prt[0] = 322 prt[1] = 323 if (message_current == 1) { skippable = false if (cutoff == string_length(message[message_current])) { other.scene++ global.dialogue_open = false } } } break case 23: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 message[0] = "* Hold it right there, missy." } if (!global.dialogue_open) { scene++ audio_play_sound(mus_starlo_entrance, 1, 0) timer = 75 } break case 24: scr_camera_move(obj_pl.x, (obj_pl.y - 80), 0.5) starlo.x_dest[0] = starlo.x starlo.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 60 starlo.actor_speed = 0.5 starlo.can_walk = true starlo.down_sprite = 197 starlo.down_sprite_idle = 197 moray.x_dest[0] = starlo.x - 30 moray.y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 48 moray.actor_speed = 2 moray.can_walk = true moray.end_direction = "down" if (starlo.y > ((__view_get((1 << 0), 0)) + 20)) { scr_text() with (msg) { skippable = false position = 0 sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = other.starlo message[0] = "* Are my pals givin' you# trouble?" message[1] = "* Come now..." message[2] = "* That ain't a way to# treat guests, now is it?" prt[0] = 415 prt[1] = 415 prt[2] = 415 } if scr_timer() { with (msg) { if ((message_current + 1) < array_length_1d(message)) { message_current += 1 cutoff = 0 other.timer = 75 } else global.dialogue_open = false } } if (!global.dialogue_open) { scene++ timer = 15 } } break case 25: if ((!starlo.npc_arrived) || (!scr_timer())) return; starlo.action_sprite = true starlo.sprite_index = spr_starlo_reveal starlo.image_speed = 0.3 starlo.down_sprite = 196 if (starlo.image_index >= (starlo.image_number - 1)) { audio_play_sound(mus_feisty, 1, 1) starlo.image_speed = 0 starlo.down_sprite_idle = 194 starlo.action_sprite = false scene++ timer = 15 } break case 26: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = make_color_rgb(255, 205, 107) sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* The name's North Star.# I run this town." message_col[0][0] = " North Star " message[1] = "* Not alone, of course." message[2] = "* These fine monsters are# my posse." message[3] = "* Together, we are..." prt[0] = 417 prt[1] = 417 prt[2] = 417 prt[3] = 417 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { starlo.action_sprite = true starlo.sprite_index = spr_starlo_pose starlo.image_speed = 0.25 starlo.image_index = 0 scene++ } break case 27: if (floor(starlo.image_index == 5) && (!audio_is_playing(snd_shotstrong))) { audio_play_sound(snd_shotstrong, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(10, 1) } if (starlo.image_index >= (starlo.image_number - 1)) { starlo.image_speed = 0 scene++ } break case 28: if (!global.dialogue_open) { audio_sound_gain(mus_feisty, 0, 300) instance_create(((__view_get((0 << 0), 0)) + (__view_get((2 << 0), 0)) / 2), ((__view_get((1 << 0), 0)) + (__view_get((3 << 0), 0)) / 4), obj_wild_east_stamp_feisty) scene += 0.2 } break case 28.2: if (!instance_exists(obj_wild_east_stamp_feisty)) cutscene_advance(28.4) break case 28.4: audio_sound_gain(mus_feisty, 1, 300) scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 message[0] = "* Our name stands for:" prt[0] = 417 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { ed.action_sprite = true ed.sprite_index = spr_ed_pose ed.image_speed = 0.25 scene += 0.6 } break case 29: if (floor(ed.image_index) == 6 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_impact_gunshot))) { audio_play_sound(snd_impact_gunshot, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(8, 1) } if (ed.image_index >= (ed.image_number - 1)) { ed.image_speed = 0 scene++ } break case 30: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " F" sndfnt = 104 message[0] = "* Fearlessness!" prt[0] = 452 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { moray.action_sprite = true moray.sprite_index = spr_moray_pose moray.image_speed = 0.25 scene++ } break case 31: if (floor(moray.image_index) == 4 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_shotweak))) { audio_play_sound(snd_shotweak, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(6, 1) } if (moray.image_index >= (moray.image_number - 1)) { moray.image_speed = 0 scene++ } break case 32: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " E" sndfnt = 109 message[0] = "* Excellence!" prt[0] = 445 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { ace.action_sprite = true ace.sprite_index = spr_ace_pose ace.image_speed = 0.25 scene++ } break case 33: if (floor(ace.image_index) == 11 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_shotmid))) { audio_play_sound(snd_shotmid, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(6, 1) } if (ace.image_index >= (ace.image_number - 1)) { ace.image_speed = 0 scene++ } break case 34: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " I" sndfnt = 106 message[0] = "* Intuition!" prt[0] = 436 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { mooch.action_sprite = true mooch.sprite_index = spr_mooch_pose mooch.image_speed = 0.25 scene++ } break case 35: if (floor(mooch.image_index) == 6 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_attackhitcrit))) { audio_play_sound(snd_attackhitcrit, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(10, 1) } if (mooch.image_index >= (mooch.image_number - 1)) { mooch.image_speed = 0 scene++ } break case 36: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " S" sndfnt = 105 message[0] = "* Sneakiness!" prt[0] = 462 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { scene += 0.5 ed.image_index = 0 ed.image_speed = (1/3) } break case 36.5: if (floor(ed.image_index) == 6 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_impact_gunshot))) { audio_play_sound(snd_impact_gunshot, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(8, 1) } if (ed.image_index >= (ed.image_number - 1)) { ed.image_speed = 0 scene += 0.5 } break case 37: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " T" sndfnt = 104 message[0] = "* Toughness!" prt[0] = 451 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { moray.image_index = 0 moray.image_speed = 0.25 scene += 0.5 } break case 37.5: if (floor(moray.image_index) == 4 && (!audio_is_playing(snd_shotweak))) { audio_play_sound(snd_shotweak, 1, 0) scr_screenshake(6, 1) } if (moray.image_index >= (moray.image_number - 1)) { moray.image_speed = 0 scene += 0.5 } break case 38: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " Y" sndfnt = 109 message[0] = "* Youthfulness!" prt[0] = 445 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene += 1 break case 39: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 message_col[0][0] = " J" sndfnt = 107 message[0] = "* Justice!" message[1] = "* ..." talker[1] = 1169 message[2] = "* The J is silent." message[3] = "* Anyway," message[4] = "* Now that we're# introduced..." message[5] = "* I'd be glad to give you# and yer buddy a tour-" message[6] = "* Hold on..." message[7] = "* Yer buddy..." message[8] = "* Are they a... HUMAN?" prt[0] = 422 prt[1] = 421 prt[2] = 407 prt[3] = 417 prt[4] = 415 prt[5] = 417 prt[6] = 421 prt[7] = 421 prt[8] = 426 } if (msg.message_current == 1) audio_sound_gain(mus_feisty, 0, 100) if (msg.message_current == 2) { starlo.action_sprite = false mooch.action_sprite = false ed.action_sprite = false moray.action_sprite = false ace.action_sprite = false } if (msg.message_current == 3) audio_sound_gain(mus_feisty, 1, 100) if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 40: with (martlet) { x_dest[0] = obj_pl.x y_dest[0] = obj_pl.y - 15 end_direction = "up" actor_speed = 4 axis_override = "y" can_walk = true } scene++ break case 41: if (!martlet.npc_arrived) return; scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Um..." message[1] = "* Well... I won't say no?" prt[0] = 322 prt[1] = 323 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 42: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* I knew it!" message[1] = "* There ain't no doubt in# my mind!" message[2] = "* That this kid is a real,# living, authentic human!" message[3] = "* Sorry 'bout this." message[4] = "* I gotta seize this# once-in-a-lifetime# opportunity!" message[5] = "* Ed, fetch me that kid." prt[0] = 417 prt[1] = 419 prt[2] = 422 prt[3] = 415 prt[4] = 417 prt[5] = 421 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 43: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 104 talker[0] = other.ed message[0] = "* Sure thing." prt[0] = 451 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 44: ed.x_dest[0] = player_npc.x ed.y_dest[0] = player_npc.y - 15 ed.can_walk = true ed.end_direction = "down" with (martlet) { if place_meeting(x, (y - 30), other.ed) { x_dest[0] = x + 40 y_dest[0] = y can_walk = true actor_speed = 2 end_direction = "left" right_sprite = left_sprite other.scene++ } } break case 45: if ed.npc_arrived { ed.action_sprite = true ed.sprite_index = spr_ed_grab_clover ed.image_speed = 0.25 instance_destroy(player_npc) obj_pl.image_alpha = 0 if (round(ed.image_index) == 7) { if (!audio_is_playing(snd_toy_squeak)) audio_play_sound(snd_toy_squeak, 1, 0) } if (ed.image_index >= (ed.image_number - 1)) { ed.image_speed = 0 ed.up_sprite = 155 ed.right_sprite = 152 ed.down_sprite = 154 ed.left_sprite = 150 ed.up_sprite_idle = 155 ed.right_sprite_idle = 152 ed.down_sprite_idle = 154 ed.left_sprite_idle = 150 ed.action_sprite = false ed.x_dest[0] = starlo.x - 74 ed.y_dest[0] = starlo.y - 20 ed.can_walk = true ed.end_direction = "down" ed.npc_arrived = false scene++ } } break case 46: if ed.npc_arrived scene++ break case 47: martlet.x_dest[0] = 720 martlet.y_dest[0] = martlet.y martlet.end_direction = "up" martlet.actor_speed = 2 martlet.can_walk = true if martlet.npc_arrived { scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Wait! What are you doing# with Clover!" prt[0] = 330 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { ace.npc_arrived = false mooch.npc_arrived = false moray.npc_arrived = false moray.x_dest[0] = starlo.x - 30 moray.y_dest[0] = ace.y moray.can_walk = true mooch.x_dest[0] = starlo.x mooch.y_dest[0] = ace.y mooch.can_walk = true ace.x_dest[0] = starlo.x + 30 ace.y_dest[0] = ace.y ace.can_walk = true scene++ } } break case 48: if (ace.npc_arrived == true && mooch.npc_arrived == true && moray.npc_arrived == true && ed.npc_arrived == true) { timer = 15 scene++ } break case 49: if (!scr_timer()) return; scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* Ah, Clover, is it?# That's a mighty fine# name!" message[1] = "* To answer yer question,# Feathers, Clover and I# got a town to run!" prt[0] = 407 prt[1] = 417 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 50: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Don't \"Feathers\" me!" message[1] = "* You're speaking to# Martlet of the Royal# Guard!" message[2] = "* I can and will report# you to King ASGORE for# this abrasive behavior!" prt[0] = 309 prt[1] = 309 prt[2] = 309 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 51: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* Ye're Royal Guard? " message[1] = "* That's funny, 'cuz I# don't see anythin' to# indicate that." message[2] = "* No armor? Weapon? Badge?" prt[0] = 407 prt[1] = 421 prt[2] = 424 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 52: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* I... left it all at# my post in Snowdin!" prt[0] = 329 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 53: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 106 talker[0] = other.ace message[0] = "* Please, don't bother# trying to fool# us." prt[0] = 435 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 54: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* He's right." message[1] = "* I am truly sorry 'bout# this, I really am." message[2] = "* But business is# business." message[3] = "* Together, we'll be the# Feisty SIX!" prt[0] = 421 prt[1] = 415 prt[2] = 417 prt[3] = 422 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { timer = 15 scene++ } break case 55: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 104 talker[0] = other.ed message[0] = "* The alliteration..." prt[0] = 454 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 56: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* Shh." prt[0] = 412 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 57: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 102 talker[0] = other.martlet message[0] = "* Tsk!" message[1] = "* Clover! I can't go up# against these guys." message[2] = "* Don't worry! I'll figure# this out!" prt[0] = 309 prt[1] = 329 prt[2] = 317 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 58: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 109 talker[0] = other.moray message[0] = "* Star, should we be doing# this?" message[1] = "* Poor Martlet is upset." prt[0] = 449 prt[1] = 446 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 59: scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = make_color_rgb(90, 88, 207) sndfnt = 105 talker[0] = other.mooch message[0] = "* Don't be a buzzkill,# Moray." message_col[0][0] = " # Moray " message[1] = "* When's the last time# something exciting# happened around here?" prt[0] = 460 prt[1] = 455 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 60: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 109 talker[0] = other.moray message[0] = "* You've got a point." prt[0] = 449 } if (!global.dialogue_open) scene++ break case 61: scr_text() with (msg) { sndfnt = 107 talker[0] = 1169 message[0] = "* Ahem!" message[1] = "* This town's FULL of# excitement. Especially# now." message[2] = "* Let's go, bud!" prt[0] = 421 prt[1] = 417 prt[2] = 417 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { scene++ starlo.can_walk = true starlo.npc_arrived = false starlo.x_dest[0] = starlo.x starlo.y_dest[0] = starlo.y - 60 starlo.actor_speed = 1 starlo.end_direction = "up" scr_audio_fade_out(mus_feisty, 3000) } break case 62: if (!starlo.npc_arrived) return; with (starlo) { action_sprite = true sprite_index = spr_starlo_turn_back } scr_text() with (msg) { color = true col_modif[0] = 65535 sndfnt = 107 position = 0 talker[0] = other.starlo message[0] = "* Oh, and Feathers..." message[1] = "* Welcome to The Wild# East." message_col[1][0] = " The Wild# East " prt[0] = 415 prt[1] = 417 } if (!global.dialogue_open) { starlo.action_sprite = false starlo.npc_arrived = false starlo.can_walk = true starlo.x_dest[0] = starlo.x starlo.y_dest[0] = starlo.y - 80 starlo.actor_speed = 1 ed.can_walk = true ed.axis_override = "x" ed.x_dest[0] = starlo.x ed.y_dest[0] = starlo.y - 100 ed.actor_speed = 1.5 scene++ } break case 63: if (starlo.npc_arrived == true) { trn = instance_create(0, 0, obj_transition) trn.newRoom = 128 trn.fadespeed = 4 trn.xx = 200 trn.yy = 390 instance_destroy() global.party_member = -4 } break }