1 |
if live_call() |
2 |
return global.live_result; |
3 |
if (!instance_exists(obj_ceroba_phase_2_shield)) |
4 |
return; |
5 |
var shot_offset = 6 |
6 |
var wave_offset = 15 |
7 |
var bullet_number = 5 |
8 |
var bullet_speed = 6 |
9 |
var spawn_dir = bullet_spawn_direction |
10 |
if (current_bell == noone) |
11 |
{ |
12 |
bullet_spawn_direction = irandom_range(0, 360) |
13 |
do |
14 |
{ |
15 |
current_bell = instance_find(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell, irandom(instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) - 1)) |
16 |
} until (current_bell != last_bell || instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) <= 1); |
17 |
last_bell = current_bell |
18 |
} |
19 |
if instance_exists(current_bell) |
20 |
{ |
21 |
with (current_bell) |
22 |
{ |
23 |
for (var i = spawn_dir; i < (360 + spawn_dir); i += (360 / bullet_number)) |
24 |
{ |
25 |
var fireball = instance_create_depth(x, y, (depth + 1), obj_ceroba_attack_fireball) |
26 |
fireball.direction = i |
27 |
fireball.speed = bullet_speed |
28 |
} |
29 |
image_xscale = 1.5 |
30 |
image_yscale = 1.5 |
31 |
} |
32 |
} |
33 |
else |
34 |
{ |
35 |
alarm[0] = wave_offsetgml_Object_obj_battle_enemy_attack_ceroba_phase_2_shield_bells_attack_Alarm_0.gmlif live_call()
return global.live_result;
if (!instance_exists(obj_ceroba_phase_2_shield))
var shot_offset = 6
var wave_offset = 15
var bullet_number = 5
var bullet_speed = 6
var spawn_dir = bullet_spawn_direction
if (current_bell == noone)
bullet_spawn_direction = irandom_range(0, 360)
current_bell = instance_find(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell, irandom(instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) - 1))
} until (current_bell != last_bell || instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) <= 1);
last_bell = current_bell
if instance_exists(current_bell)
with (current_bell)
for (var i = spawn_dir; i < (360 + spawn_dir); i += (360 / bullet_number))
var fireball = instance_create_depth(x, y, (depth + 1), obj_ceroba_attack_fireball)
fireball.direction = i
fireball.speed = bullet_speed
image_xscale = 1.5
image_yscale = 1.5
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = noone
shot_count = shot_count_max
if (shot_count > 1)
alarm[0] = shot_offset
shot_count -= 1
bullet_spawn_direction += bullet_spawn_direction_inc
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = -4
shot_count = shot_count_max
} |
36 |
current_bell = noone |
37 |
shot_count = shot_count_max |
38 |
return; |
39 |
} |
40 |
if (shot_count > 1) |
41 |
{ |
42 |
alarm[0] = shot_offsetgml_Object_obj_battle_enemy_attack_ceroba_phase_2_shield_bells_attack_Alarm_0.gmlif live_call()
return global.live_result;
if (!instance_exists(obj_ceroba_phase_2_shield))
var shot_offset = 6
var wave_offset = 15
var bullet_number = 5
var bullet_speed = 6
var spawn_dir = bullet_spawn_direction
if (current_bell == noone)
bullet_spawn_direction = irandom_range(0, 360)
current_bell = instance_find(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell, irandom(instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) - 1))
} until (current_bell != last_bell || instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) <= 1);
last_bell = current_bell
if instance_exists(current_bell)
with (current_bell)
for (var i = spawn_dir; i < (360 + spawn_dir); i += (360 / bullet_number))
var fireball = instance_create_depth(x, y, (depth + 1), obj_ceroba_attack_fireball)
fireball.direction = i
fireball.speed = bullet_speed
image_xscale = 1.5
image_yscale = 1.5
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = noone
shot_count = shot_count_max
if (shot_count > 1)
alarm[0] = shot_offset
shot_count -= 1
bullet_spawn_direction += bullet_spawn_direction_inc
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = -4
shot_count = shot_count_max
} |
43 |
shot_count -= 1 |
44 |
bullet_spawn_direction += bullet_spawn_direction_inc |
45 |
} |
46 |
else |
47 |
{ |
48 |
alarm[0] = wave_offsetgml_Object_obj_battle_enemy_attack_ceroba_phase_2_shield_bells_attack_Alarm_0.gmlif live_call()
return global.live_result;
if (!instance_exists(obj_ceroba_phase_2_shield))
var shot_offset = 6
var wave_offset = 15
var bullet_number = 5
var bullet_speed = 6
var spawn_dir = bullet_spawn_direction
if (current_bell == noone)
bullet_spawn_direction = irandom_range(0, 360)
current_bell = instance_find(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell, irandom(instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) - 1))
} until (current_bell != last_bell || instance_number(obj_ceroba_phase_2_bell) <= 1);
last_bell = current_bell
if instance_exists(current_bell)
with (current_bell)
for (var i = spawn_dir; i < (360 + spawn_dir); i += (360 / bullet_number))
var fireball = instance_create_depth(x, y, (depth + 1), obj_ceroba_attack_fireball)
fireball.direction = i
fireball.speed = bullet_speed
image_xscale = 1.5
image_yscale = 1.5
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = noone
shot_count = shot_count_max
if (shot_count > 1)
alarm[0] = shot_offset
shot_count -= 1
bullet_spawn_direction += bullet_spawn_direction_inc
alarm[0] = wave_offset
current_bell = -4
shot_count = shot_count_max
} |
49 |
current_bell = -4 |
50 |
shot_count = shot_count_max |
51 |
} |