1 |
if live_call() |
2 |
return global.live_result; |
3 |
if (overlay_alpha > 0) |
4 |
overlay_alpha -= 0.1 |
5 |
if (spawn_vines == true) |
6 |
{ |
7 |
gui_fade_out = false |
8 |
var _play_sound = true |
9 |
attack_offset-- |
10 |
if (attack_offset <= 0) |
11 |
{ |
12 |
attack_offset = attack_offset_max + attack_delay |
13 |
audio_play_sound(snd_undertale_appear, 1, 0) |
14 |
var xdist = irandom_range(20, 60) |
15 |
do |
16 |
{ |
17 |
var xx = obj_pl.x + xdist * (sign(obj_pl.x - obj_pl.xprevious)) |
18 |
xdist -= 10 |
19 |
} until (place_free(xx, (obj_pl.y + 15)) || x_dist <= 0); |
20 |
var ydist = irandom_range(20, 60) |
21 |
do |
22 |
{ |
23 |
var yy = obj_pl.y + 15 + ydist * (sign(obj_pl.y - obj_pl.yprevious)) |
24 |
ydist -= 10 |
25 |
} until (place_free(yy, obj_pl.x) || y_dist <= 0); |
26 |
xx = (floor(xx / 20)) * 20 |
27 |
yy = (floor(yy / 20)) * 20 |
28 |
var grid_size = 5 |
29 |
var grid_squared = grid_size * grid_size |
30 |
var start_point_x = xx - grid_size * 20 * 0.5 |
31 |
var start_point_y = yy - grid_size * 20 * 0.5 |
32 |
show_debug_message(start_point_x) |
33 |
var excluded_count = irandom_range(floor(grid_squared * 0.35), floor(grid_squared * 0.75)) |
34 |
exclude_list = ds_list_create() |
35 |
for (var a = 0; a < excluded_count; a++) |
36 |
{ |
37 |
do |
38 |
{ |
39 |
var new_number = irandom_range(0, (grid_size * grid_size)) |
40 |
} until (ds_list_find_index(exclude_list, new_number) == -1); |
41 |
ds_list_add(exclude_list, new_number) |
42 |
} |
43 |
var current_spawn = 0 |
44 |
var can_play_sound = true |
45 |
for (var j = 0; j < grid_size; j++) |
46 |
{ |
47 |
for (var i = 0; i < grid_size; i++) |
48 |
{ |
49 |
var new_x = start_point_x + i * 20 |
50 |
var new_y = start_point_y + j * 20 |
51 |
if (ds_list_find_index(exclude_list, current_spawn) == -1 && (!(instance_position(new_x, new_y, obj_wall)))) |
52 |
{ |
53 |
var new_vine = instance_create_depth(new_x, new_y, 0, obj_flowey_battle_ow_vine_warning) |
54 |
new_vine.play_sound = can_play_sound |
55 |
new_vine.alarm[0] = attack_delay |
56 |
can_play_sound = false |
57 |
} |
58 |
current_spawn += 1 |
59 |
} |
60 |
} |
61 |
ds_list_clear(exclude_list) |
62 |
ds_list_destroy(exclude_list) |
63 |
} |
64 |
with (obj_pl) |
65 |
{ |
66 |
var col_vine = instance_place(x, y, obj_flowey_battle_ow_vine) |
67 |
if (col_vine != noone && col_vine.image_alpha >= 0.5 && other.player_vulnerable) |
68 |
{ |
69 |
other.player_hurt = true |
70 |
other.player_vulnerable = false |
71 |
} |
72 |
if instance_exists(obj_flowey_battle_ow_determination) |
73 |
{ |
74 |
if (point_distance(x, y, obj_flowey_battle_ow_determination.x, obj_flowey_battle_ow_determination.y) < 120) |
75 |
other.spawn_vines = false |
76 |
} |
77 |
} |
78 |
} |
79 |
else |
80 |
gui_fade_out = true |
81 |
var damage = global.enemy_attack_stat - global.player_armor_defense - global.player_armor_modifier_defense - global.player_defense + 10 |
82 |
if (player_hurt == true) |
83 |
{ |
84 |
player_hurt = false |
85 |
player_alpha = 0.5 |
86 |
audio_play_sound(snd_hurt, 20, false) |
87 |
scr_screenshakescr_screenshakefunction scr_screenshake(argument0, argument1) //gml_Script_scr_screenshake
if instance_exists(obj_screenshake_player)
with (instance_create(__view_get((9 << 0), 0).x, __view_get((9 << 0), 0).y, obj_screenshake_player))
intensity = argument1
} (12, 6) |
88 |
global.current_hp_self -= damage |
89 |
alarm[0] = global.invulnerability_self |
90 |
alarm[1] = 5 |
91 |
} |
92 |
if (other.player_vulnerable == true) |
93 |
{ |
94 |
player_alpha = 1 |
95 |
alarm[1] = -1 |
96 |
} |
97 |
if (global.current_hp_self < 0) |
98 |
global.current_hp_self = 0 |
99 |
if (global.current_hp_self == 0) |
100 |
{ |
101 |
global.heart_battle_fighting_x = (obj_pl.x - camera_get_view_x(view_camera[0])) * 2 |
102 |
global.heart_battle_fighting_y = (obj_pl.y - camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0])) * 2 |
103 |
with (obj_battle_generator) |
104 |
audio_extend = false |
105 |
audio_stop_all() |
106 |
room_goto(rm_death_screen Death screen) |
107 |
global.cutscene = true |
108 |
obj_pl.image_alpha = 0 |
109 |
} |
110 |
depth = obj_pl.depth - 1 |
111 |
if instance_exists(obj_player_npc) |
112 |
obj_player_npc.image_alpha = 0 |
113 |
if (gui_fade_out == true) |
114 |
{ |
115 |
if (gui_alpha > 0) |
116 |
gui_alpha -= 0.1 |
117 |
} |
118 |
else if (gui_alpha < 1) |
119 |
gui_alpha += 0.1 |