1 |
if elevator_can_collide |
2 |
{ |
3 |
if place_meeting(x, y, obj_pl) |
4 |
var elevator_collided_player = true |
5 |
else |
6 |
elevator_collided_player = false |
7 |
if (elevator_active == false) |
8 |
{ |
9 |
if (!elevator_collided_player) |
10 |
elevator_active = true |
11 |
return; |
12 |
} |
13 |
if elevator_collided_player |
14 |
{ |
15 |
if (!alarm[0]) |
16 |
alarm[0] = 30gml_Object_obj_pulley_elevator_Alarm_0.gmlelevator_can_collide = false
instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_npc_clover_dunes_24)
if (global.party_member != noone)
with (global.party_member)
var martlet_npc = instance_create(x, y, obj_martlet_npc)
martlet_npc.npc_dynamic_depth = false
martlet_npc.x_dest[0] = other.follower_x_target
martlet_npc.y_dest[0] = other.follower_y_target
martlet_npc.end_direction = "down"
martlet_npc.can_walk = true
martlet_npc.image_blend = global.party_member.image_blend
if instance_exists(obj_shadow_master)
obj_shadow_master.inst_number_last = 0 |
17 |
} |
18 |
else |
19 |
alarm[0] = -1gml_Object_obj_pulley_elevator_Alarm_0.gmlelevator_can_collide = false
instance_create(obj_pl.x, obj_pl.y, obj_npc_clover_dunes_24)
if (global.party_member != noone)
with (global.party_member)
var martlet_npc = instance_create(x, y, obj_martlet_npc)
martlet_npc.npc_dynamic_depth = false
martlet_npc.x_dest[0] = other.follower_x_target
martlet_npc.y_dest[0] = other.follower_y_target
martlet_npc.end_direction = "down"
martlet_npc.can_walk = true
martlet_npc.image_blend = global.party_member.image_blend
if instance_exists(obj_shadow_master)
obj_shadow_master.inst_number_last = 0 |
20 |
} |
21 |
if (act == 0) |
22 |
{ |
23 |
if (scene == 1) |
24 |
{ |
25 |
if (player_x == 0) |
26 |
player_x = obj_pl.x |
27 |
if (player_y == 0) |
28 |
player_y = obj_pl.y |
29 |
obj_pl.x = player_x |
30 |
obj_pl.y = player_y |
31 |
x = xstart |
32 |
y = ystart |
33 |
if (shake_strength > 0) |
34 |
shake_strength -= 0.05 |
35 |
var shake_x = random_range((-shake_strength), shake_strength) |
36 |
var shake_y = random_range((-shake_strength), shake_strength) |
37 |
x += shake_x |
38 |
y += shake_y |
39 |
obj_pl.x += shake_x |
40 |
obj_pl.y += shake_y |
41 |
if instance_exists(obj_martlet_npc) |
42 |
{ |
43 |
obj_martlet_npc.x = follower_x_target |
44 |
obj_martlet_npc.y = follower_y_target |
45 |
obj_martlet_npc.x += shake_x |
46 |
obj_martlet_npc.y += shake_y |
47 |
obj_martlet_npc.depth = depth - 1 |
48 |
} |
49 |
if scr_timerscr_timerfunction scr_timer() //gml_Script_scr_timer
if (timer > 0)
return false;
return true;
} () |
50 |
{ |
51 |
x = xstart |
52 |
y = ystart |
53 |
timer = 30 |
54 |
layer_depth("ground_tiles", -9999998) |
55 |
layer_depth("grass_tiles", -9999999) |
56 |
scene++ |
57 |
} |
58 |
} |
59 |
if (scene == 2) |
60 |
{ |
61 |
if scr_timerscr_timerfunction scr_timer() //gml_Script_scr_timer
if (timer > 0)
return false;
return true;
} () |
62 |
{ |
63 |
if (!audio_is_playing(snd_helivator)) |
64 |
{ |
65 |
audio_sound_gain(snd_helivator, 0, 0) |
66 |
audio_sound_gain(snd_helivator, 1, 600) |
67 |
audio_play_sound(snd_helivator, 20, 1) |
68 |
} |
69 |
obj_pl.depth = depth - 1 |
70 |
obj_pl.y += (pull_speed * (sign(target_y - starting_y))) |
71 |
if instance_exists(obj_martlet_npc) |
72 |
{ |
73 |
obj_martlet_npc.y = obj_pl.y |
74 |
obj_martlet_npc.depth = depth - 1 |
75 |
} |
76 |
y += (pull_speed * (sign(target_y - starting_y))) |
77 |
if (pull_speed < 2.5) |
78 |
pull_speed += (0.01 + 0.03 * abs(pull_speed)) |
79 |
if (abs(target_y - y) <= pull_speed) |
80 |
{ |
81 |
if (!instance_exists(obj_transition)) |
82 |
{ |
83 |
var trn = instance_create(x, y, obj_transition) |
84 |
trn.newRoom = elevator_next_room |
85 |
trn.xx = 195 |
86 |
trn.yy = 440 |
87 |
} |
88 |
} |
89 |
} |
90 |
} |
91 |
} |
92 |
if (act == 1) |
93 |
{ |
94 |
obj_pl.depth = depth - 1 |
95 |
if (scene == 0) |
96 |
{ |
97 |
obj_pl.y += (pull_speed * (sign(starting_y - y))) |
98 |
if instance_exists(obj_martlet_npc) |
99 |
{ |
100 |
obj_martlet_npc.y = obj_pl.y |
101 |
obj_martlet_npc.depth = depth - 1 |
102 |
} |
103 |
y += (pull_speed * (sign(starting_y - y))) |
104 |
if (abs(starting_y - y) <= 50 && pull_speed > 0) |
105 |
pull_speed -= (0.01 + 0.03 * abs(pull_speed)) |
106 |
if (abs(starting_y - y) <= pull_speed) |
107 |
{ |
108 |
y = starting_y |
109 |
timer = 15 |
110 |
scene++ |
111 |
} |
112 |
} |
113 |
if (scene == 1) |
114 |
{ |
115 |
if (!scr_timerscr_timerfunction scr_timer() //gml_Script_scr_timer
if (timer > 0)
return false;
return true;
} ()) |
116 |
{ |
117 |
act = 0 |
118 |
pull_speed = 0 |
119 |
timer = 20 |
120 |
elevator_can_collide = true |
121 |
scr_audio_fade_outscr_audio_fade_outfunction scr_audio_fade_out(argument0, argument1) //gml_Script_scr_audio_fade_out
var snd = argument0
var fade_len = argument1
if (!audio_is_playing(snd))
return false;
audio_sound_gain(snd, 0, fade_len)
if instance_exists(obj_audio_fade_helper)
with (obj_audio_fade_helper)
if (audio_to_fade == snd)
return false;
with (instance_create(0, 0, obj_audio_fade_helper))
audio_to_fade = snd
} (snd_helivator, 600) |
122 |
if instance_exists(obj_martlet_npc) |
123 |
{ |
124 |
with (obj_martlet_npc) |
125 |
{ |
126 |
instance_create(x, y, obj_martlet_follower) |
127 |
obj_martlet_follower.dir_new[1] = 270 |
128 |
obj_martlet_follower.npc_reset = true |
129 |
obj_martlet_follower.image_blend = image_blend |
130 |
instance_destroy() |
131 |
} |
132 |
} |
133 |
if (room == rm_dunes_27) |
134 |
{ |
135 |
layer_depth("grass_tiles", 1000000) |
136 |
layer_depth("ground_tiles", 1000001) |
137 |
} |
138 |
scene = 0 |
139 |
alarm[1] = 5 |
140 |
} |
141 |
} |
142 |
} |
143 |
if instance_exists(obj_martlet_npc) |
144 |
obj_martlet_npc.image_blend = obj_pl.image_blend |