1 |
with (obj_torch_snowdin_14d_overworld_yellow) |
2 |
{ |
3 |
event_inherited() |
4 |
if (interact && obj_pl.direction == 90) |
5 |
{ |
6 |
if global.geno_complete[2] |
7 |
{ |
8 |
scr_textscr_textfunction scr_text() //gml_Script_scr_text
if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))
msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue)
} () |
9 |
with (msg) |
10 |
message[0] = "* It's a regular torch." |
11 |
return; |
12 |
} |
13 |
else if (npc_flag == 0) |
14 |
{ |
15 |
scr_cutscene_startscr_cutscene_startfunction scr_cutscene_start() //gml_Script_scr_cutscene_start
global.cutscene = true
obj_pl.state = gml_Script_scr_frozen_state
obj_pl.image_index = 0
obj_pl.image_speed = 0
} () |
16 |
active = 1 |
17 |
} |
18 |
else |
19 |
{ |
20 |
scr_textscr_textfunction scr_text() //gml_Script_scr_text
if (!instance_exists(obj_dialogue))
msg = instance_create(x, y, obj_dialogue)
} () |
21 |
is_talking = 1 |
22 |
with (msg) |
23 |
{ |
24 |
portrait = false |
25 |
switch other.npc_flag |
26 |
{ |
27 |
case 1: |
28 |
message[0] = "* You know this job has a high# turnover rate?" |
29 |
message[1] = "* Crazy, right?" |
30 |
message[2] = "* Apparently most monsters don't# like having their head lit on# fire." |
31 |
message[3] = "* But, you see my head? That's# natural flame, baby!" |
32 |
message[4] = "* Best. Job. Ever!!!" |
33 |
other.npc_flag = 2 |
34 |
break |
35 |
case 2: |
36 |
message[0] = "* I love being a torch!" |
37 |
break |
38 |
} |
39 |
40 |
} |
41 |
} |
42 |
} |
43 |
if (active == 1) |
44 |
{ |
45 |
if (image_index == (image_number - 1)) |
46 |
{ |
47 |
sprite_index = spr_torch_talk_snowdin_yellow |
48 |
image_speed = 0 |
49 |
image_index = 0 |
50 |
alarm[0] = 5gml_Object_obj_torch_snowdin_14d_overworld_yellow_Alarm_0.gmlglobal.cutscene = false
is_talking = 1
with (msg)
portrait = false
sndfnt = 99
message[0] = "* Hello!"
message[1] = "* Are you enjoying the warm# atmosphere that can only be# brought by a torch?"
message[2] = "* Is it pleasant?"
message[3] = "* Is it sentimental?"
message[4] = "* Is it... attractive?"
message[5] = "* Man, I love being a torch!"
npc_flag = 1 |
51 |
active = 2 |
52 |
} |
53 |
else |
54 |
image_speed = 0.2 |
55 |
} |
56 |
} |